So, in times which constitute the recent, I've slacked off from mass updating via blog form. Part of this I could attribute to lack of time; another part to my aversion to touching digital objects when not doing so for work purposes (which runs back into my first reason); another is, well, not a lack of motivation per say, but whatever drives said motivation. Sparks it up a bit. Gives it the giggles. Digressing further, maybe this is just associated with the cold-and-darkity of winter. I'm comfortable blaming it on that, in any case. While I do thoroughly enjoy the season (I'd put it tied with summer at number two for top seasons, with čakča (sügis, fall) taking its rightful golden leaves), at times I feel that a mild hibernation over this period would be totally justifiable. Not in the sense of sleeping it through (well, overall), but in leaning next to an open fire and emerging only to do the necessary (more beer.. and of course other things). The more I contemplate this, the more I realize that my bodily clock is likely set on a nomadic northern European lifestyle circa a few hundred years ago. Probably not only my bodily clock.
While I don't generally implement this blog for speaking of recent life news or events, this line of straw-grasping does lead to one significancy - I purchased a süst (kayak). It's something I've informally contemplated acquiring for a long period of time, and with the help of an awesome deal (not to mention a new translating customer from the whole bout) and the absurd logic of it being quite, quite useful in the event of civilizational collapse (works for me), I decided to go with it. She's over five meters in length, lime green and yet-unnamed (waiting for the sea ice to break up before embarking on the first voyage, understandably). How this locks up with the previous line of incoherency is that I'm very stoked to get out, into some physical and meditational shape and onto some islands for purposes of randominity and camping and such. Mobility outside of bus lines and shoveled sidewalks is something I've felt amiss throughout the deep frost. I know that waist-high snow shouldn't hinder me (it doesn't, and sometimes didn't) from such escapades, but, well.. informal hibernation. Back to all that is local nomadism. I've come to realize that this is a deep-set trait; not always in the far-flung sense, though not quite set in staticity.
This is all highly likely to lead to me someday getting another liberal arts degree. Or building a saun and acquiring some reindeer. Maybe both. Bures.
Edasi, вперёд..