25 October 2010

Cloud exchange - arutelu pilvedega

The paradox of seasons is lovely in all its pauses and moments of furrowed brow. I already miss near-daily contact with the sea. Expression unleashed through spinning XX cm tires or tyres on pavement, on stone and grace to wherever that trifecto might lead. All the same, it takes a different and strangely communal alternate form now, in the time of wind, snow, golden red carpets spread past the horizon and a fulfilling promise of transition. Summer meditation is an exchange directly with loodus-luondu, encounters with mountains of moss and sea spray. Autumn brings a proposal to commit these thoughts to more visible, revisit-able form. Form in itself.

No harm done. Progression.

Edasi, вперёд..

21 October 2010

Flicker - virvendus

Expression must simply flow outward, uninhibited. Pen to paper - pastakas paberi peale - that's how it starts. Uncharted at first, at last. Somewhere in-between as well, likely. The points shift and shake, in a daze between themselves and that which they are not. As soon as it begins, it begins. Ending is not an option, the only harsh reality in the otherwise flurry of forwards rushing.
Far from a discussion.

Edasi, вперёд..

19 October 2010

Inclusion - omaks võtmine

Now that my seasonal transport cycle has swung into its more heated, padded, expensive segment, bus-waiting and bus-ride musings have returned. A recent one (I think it was a bit after reliving the shock of discovering that all ducks are wearing dog masks - cue existential crisis!) phased in and out and around the Estonian phrase 'omaks võtma' -- literally, to make or take as 'one's own'; to accept and welcome into your sphere of 'belonging'.

This seems to summarize one of the fundamental reasons for why I came to Estonia, in both 'directions' of the word. Estonian language (and, to a great extent, culture) was to become 'oma' and I would like; wouldn't mind, really; just -- come on; to be part of the social sphere.

Estonians are, in a way, a lone bubble. Watching from afar what happens if you let too many other smaller bubbles merge; fearing that moment of opening and merging going out of control and bursting the entire fabric; yet at the same time wanting to be one of the bigger bubbles. Yes, culture and language must be preserved, promoted and developed unconditionally. Hyper-fear does not help anything, on the other hand.

Estonian officials piped up far too loudly on Europe's Roma issue, in my opinion. This should be reserved for countries with experience in the Roma matter and attempts to compare it with Estonian Russians should definitely not be made. We find it unappealing to accept refugees here (even with the carrots of EU support and free reign to require as much language training and immersion as we like); it is even unconstitutional to accept Guantanamo inmates into the prison system. The moment that German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke of how Germany's vision of 'multiculturalism' has failed, the story was put on a pedestal in bold lettering here. No matter that Merkel was speaking specifically about Germany's problem, Germany's official state policies and Germany's immigrants -- many will, for the most part, chorus this instance.

Prior to status as (one of the) 2011 European Capital(s) of Culture ('assistant to the manager'), a 'tolerance' campaign I very much support is indeed underway, entitled 'Erinevus rikastab' ('Difference enriches'). It has brought forth some positive support in the press along with those articles voicing the horrid opinions of some people that you, pleasantly enough, do not and would not hear from otherwise. I'm glad the discussion has been increased somewhat, 'preparing' us for greater integration (come if it may), and hoping that this does not turn out to be rhetorical as have so many other similar campaigns. Maybe that's just the Estonian tinged negativity seeping in - võtan omaks!

What people often fail to realize is that the Estonian bubble has not burst over thousands of years and maybe, possibly, there is a shred of chance that letting more elements reach the status of 'oma' is not such a bad move; assuming of course that these elements thoroughly learn Estonian and at least appreciate certain cultural elements definitive of Marjamaa. 'Purity' means inbreeding. Of course, if you do want to go for that, then great - keep it up. Just don't get into any decision-making positions and keep it to yourself for as long as your genes hold up.

The key to doing so is by being sneaky, though.. takes some tact on the part of those wishing to integrate with Eesti. Currently underway here are Hõimupäevad - Pan-Finno-Ugric Days - , for example. I have to say, this is one of the most inclusionary (a word that does not pop up often!) gatherings of people that I have stumbled into. Although maybe this is in part because we (i.e. Finno-Ugric peoples) commonly condemn Russification and certain policies undertaken by Russians (not Finno-Ugric, mind you) throughout.. well, a long, long history.

This actually raises an interesting question - would Estonia and many of these others be so pro-Finno-Ugric were there not the 'Russian problem'? Would there be a hall full of people dancing to Mari, Hungarian, Livonian etc music together if subjugation was not still a pressing topic? I'd like to think so, but there is that sneaking suspicion we would instead be putting this effort behind our status as a Nordic country and aligning ourselves with such cultures. Anyways, tangent upon several preceding tangents.

Where was this going? Oh, right. All ducks are wearing dog masks. We know relatively nothing in life. Might as well approach things accordingly.

Edasi, вперёд..

13 October 2010

Pondering, panga peal.

I saw a single leaf fall from a tree today in the wind. I must get out there more often, for if I had not been there, who would have seen it fall?
Edasi, вперёд..