02 May 2006

Rain and espresso make finals disappear, right?

This is in place of a three page paper covering some rando articles on the integration of European identity throught the EU and Transatlantic relations. I figured, as I just finished splashing my share of corporate salary back into the corporate economy and landed a suitcase from Target, I should carry on preparing for flying out to Kiev in - oi - two weeks! The suitcase was the largest in the obscure brand that cost the least from the selection, I about bought the size under it but figured even as I might fill half of it on the way out, it will be filled with random legitimate and possibly pirated Ukrainian items on the way back through US customs. I should snag a drink or some snacks for the customs officers in the airports. It'll have some effect on the other side of the border at least.
So I landed tickets to St. Petersburg a few days ago - made some use of my credit limit again. That hasn't happened for a few weeks - that's right - since I landed the Kiev tickets. I'd feel worse if the money wasn't forwarded to flying. Something really comforting in that, I actually am excited about the 8 something hour flight. And then the three something one after my few hours of misadventure at the layover in Amsterdam. I've got one Euro and a few eurochki that I commandeered from tips that random Europeans passing through dropped, and they are leaving my posession somehow in those two hours. Amsterdam. Heineken?
Most of the week is clouded in work and such, figure I should leave this and flip the discourses of Eco and Vattimo back into focus and turn up the Mum. First day of the week, and a bit of Transatlanticism to set it off - things are on the up and up.

1 comment:

polina said...

i heard they have great travka-flavored gummy bears there in Amsterdam x)