23 May 2006

So in Russian, Yes in Ukrainian. Interchangabilitishnessity?

The randomness of randominity around the streets of Kiev have been great, if you ever come around the city just dropping around random corners will take you to better places than most tour guides. Top off with a few beers from the Оболонь tents or the kiosks everywhere and you'll get some thrills, I'll fucking tell you that. It can be anywhere on the range on high end to sketch in any place with no transition, and the sketch end is usually more Ukrainian конце концов. Not sketch like in the states or like a stroll around Cedar, just ethnic. There are parks everywhere and some towering, fading monument overarching the scene, always scattered with people everywhere. The city is compacted into itself, when you finally crest hills that you had no idea you were climbing and the Dniepr opens itself up in front of you with nuclear cones and straight highways packed miles into the distance you sort of grasp the concentration to a point. 8 something million, if I translated the broken Russian anywhere close to the meant significance, and all folded into itself. The skyline is empty into the distance. One outcropping a bit away with the Soviet housing raising its fist to the West, which one Ukrainian actually told me is still an isolated part of Kiev. The metro shows it, always packed with a solid mixture of demography from the Kievan population, all the time. The last Soviet era train lets out at exactly midnight, and even without rushes from work to flats people are still shoving themselves into the spaces that aren't really there but which you still provide.
Tomorrow is the first club night, sort of stoked for that. I'll look fucking gorgeous tomorrow. Everyone should come and see how good I will look. There is a bar right across the residential street from where most of us live and a store next to that which sells bottles for a few grivna, will hit that up before the экскурсия into multitudes of incredibly dressed and heeled up девушки. Off of some extended I'm-going-to-take-you-and-give-you-all-of-the-Minnesota-accented-Russian-that-you-could-handle-in-a-Ukrainian-flat-without-all-of-that-одежды-that-you-are-wearing-now looks with a few passing Ukrainian girls, there's been nothing yet of extended mingling with them. Наверно, у меня ещё нет жени или девушки здесь.
Пора мне to lock down a pint of something and work through some hundred pages on some of the tsars for this presentation I'm carrying off tomorrow. The usual night in Ukraine. Всё равно.

1 comment:

polina said...

женЫ, жена - otherwise if you are using женИ - it is женЯ, which is a name. Both m and f
im trying not to nag, i really am x))))