03 February 2008

Ну вот, даааа собачка!

I haven't meant for a flurry of positive-sounding posts here (kaks kokku, two total) и всё-таки я общаю что вот это будет короткым (muidu ma luban et selle saab lühike.. and I promise this one will be short barring me translating everything three times). This possibly reflects the flurry of snowstorms in the last few days lifting spirits. Aside, I really enjoy the Estonian approach to plowing side-streets for cars by not plowing side streets for cars. Autod are naturally heavy and compact snow. Enough cars on the streets, enough compacted snow. Done.
What really warms my heart is when I am walking back from Rimi (Rainbow for Minnesotans) and at the crosswalk over a busy street there is a semi-drunk Russian guy running with his three year old kid across the street, holding a bottle of beer in his other hand. Once reaching the other side and walking further he drunk-lectures the kid about guard dogs in yards and how they will fuck you up.
Warm fuzzies straight to the core.



IanM said...

Sorry I keep missing your calls. I hope all is still going well over there. I'm pretty sure you will score that summer institute gig! If not, the system is corrupt. Anyway, ironically you called last time while I was in the middle of my Europe class at Macalester and a student was giving an overview of Estonia. Incredible! Prost, Ian

SB said...

The plowing by not plowing sounds like a strategy we could use in the U.S. haha... lol drunk Russian people lecturing kids about dogs, you need to start writing a book that records the ridiculous things you see...and do for the baltic times