11 February 2011

Ots - point - geahči

I've realized that I am uneasy, sometimes exasperated with "points". Call them the peaks and valleys, a snapping point or 30-point bucks.. they instill a bit of doubt. Am I putting in enough effort to re-route or maintain the direction of things? Is it all just cycling and therefore I need not worry about effort? Obviously when things are at a higher point or a peak, it feels like the right time to allow things to soar as they will, to not overextend my efforts so as to not be an obstacle to natural growth or inadvertently re-route the momentum of the moment. When they are lower, down in a sort of rut, then there is that feeling of inadequate exertion in an opaque cocktail with the glimmering suspect that a turn-around is straight ahead. You never really know whether you are just running against a wall until you either break through or stumble across it. How much of that are you responsible for? Not running means a static state, which in principle leads nowhere. Though I wonder what can be found in 'nowhere'..

Head down and shoulders locked or shake it off and face the sky?

Simply searching for the arc. Best place to look is straight ahead, I suppose.


1 comment:

Erin+n Liebhard said...

Absolutely. Everything said is yes.