19 September 2008

Refresh (Värskendus).

--Wrote this in a sidewalk café on a Paris sidestreet. Mmmm.--

Noh.. Pariis.

I very much heart this city. It is alive, excited and entirely coexistent. It feels as though I have spent so much energy in other places to not feel as a foreigner, to not be looked upon instantly and with first breath as an outsider with everything that connotes. The city and its people are contemplative, expressive and seemingly enthralled to live amongst each other. There pervades that slight sense of aloofment, yes though interactions ride upon waves of genuinity. I enjoy the lack of English, in signs and surroundings as well as responses. The language is stunning; enforce it! Sidewalks are littered with cafes, always vibrant and reverberating with life and the soul of societé. People want to converse, wnat to fill the seams in pockets meshed with the other, spilling into the winding masses of the physical city itself. It is a warmth, a glow which emantes from each corner and face.


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