19 December 2007

Täna, siis Homme.. siis..

All has risen into a surging crescendo... a flurry and a rush.. and only the prelude. I feel as if everything has become more porous. I notice things, constantly seek to realize the simple transition of last sightings and initial departures. Nothing will become so tangible for a few weeks, after it has passed and may be recognized as a frozen history. It is odd completing things which I mused over months past.. returning library books, sorting DVDs, sorting farewells, dividing and disposing of personal goods, fusing and propelling forward relationships. A constant movement has come about, one which is only loosely bound (and even these ties only nudge and provide slight shadow.. as.. say.. final exams..). These are the moments of lifting.. before toes may only stretch to scrape the ground, though a firm stance has diminished. Invigorating.. and only a firmer stance will result.

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